Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Tid for mat

Jeg mottokk nylig en artig bok i posten; the eat a pet cookbook. Boken inneholder mange fristende og fantasifulle oppskrifter, som et forslag til en toretters serverer jeg herved oppskriftene på en forrett med kattunge, og en hovedrett av chihuahua:

Starter - Kitten crunch:
    -1 kitten
    -1kg potatoes
    -handfull of cress
    -4 crumpets
    -50g drippings
    -2 lemons

    Draw and truss kitten, spread with dripping and place in oven at 160°C. Boil potatoes and place around kitten in roasting pan and cook for three hours. When all is crisp and even, remove and garnish with cherries, squirt with lemon juice and serve with cress and a crumpet.

Main course - Chihuahua chili
    -1 chihuahua
    -2 tins of kidney beans
    -2 onions
    -0.5 litres of water
    -olive oil

    Reduce chihuahua to bite-size chunks. Toss into pan and fry with onions until brown. Add water, beans and chili. Simmer for one hour and serve in a large earthenware bowl. As a finishing touch, decorate the bowl with the animal's little tartan walking coat and silk bow.

Jeg vil anta at en tørr hvitvin passer til forretten, mens til chilien er vel øl å foretrekke. Vel bekomme!

1 comment:

Thomas said...

Hey i Kina hadde de kattunger på menyen på en restaurant jeg var på.. [ond latter]